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The Voices of the Internet of Things with Chuck Martin

Sep 14, 2024

A conversation with Matthew Perry, Founder of the Transportation Channel.

Matthew has been a Market Maker on the American Stock Exchange, Commodity Options Trader at First New York Securities and Partner at Kronenberg Capital Advisors.

At the Transportation Channel, Matthew is focused on growing a new media company...

Dec 21, 2023

A conversation with Santh Sathya, Founder and CEO of LuftCar.

Santh has been Hydrogen Fuel Cell Program Manager at Ford, Engineering Operation Lader at GE Power, Global Marketing Strategy an Analytics Manager at Siemens, Vice President and Chief Strategy Offcer at Johnson Controls and Head of Product Strategy...

Sep 26, 2023

A conversation with Mick Kowitz, CEO of RYSE Aero Technologies.

Mick has been Co-Founder and Chief Technology Officer of MobileVoice Control, Chief Technology Officer and Co-Founder of ClinGenuity and President and CEO of MacawHealth.

At RYSE, Mick is focused on electrified air mobility using advanced artificial...

Aug 31, 2023

A conversation with Sean Borman, President and CEO of Aeroauto.

Sean has been CEO of the Rugby Academy of America, Executive Director of Global Restorative Care and Founder of Monster Sports Network.

At Aeroauto, Sean is focused on creating and growing a fully integrated showroom dealership specializing in air...

Aug 18, 2023

A conversation with Doron Merdinger, CEO and Founder of Doroni Aerospace.

Doron has been CEO of Hazorfirm Limited, Owner of Merdinger House of Design and now founder of Doroni Aerospace.

At Doroni, Doron is focused on transforming...